Thursday, 21 July 2011

Reasons Why Customers Ignore Your Website

1. Brochure Like Website

Many business owners make the mistake of designing their website like a sales brochure. The website has terrific graphs and pictures of cool looking people. But the site seriously lack quality content. Websites that fall under this category often has a couple of pages of information about the business along with contact information. Because your website lacks quality textual information, search engines are not going to bring you any organic traffic. Gone are the days when a user judged a website based on the quality of graphics. Nowadays more and more users are looking for quality content. Customers are looking for advice and information to solve their problems. Therefore it is very important to focus on writing good content.

2. Outdated

Clients love websites that are regularly updated. By updating your website periodically, you are telling your customers that you are very active in your industry. If the last update date on your web pages are few years old, people will assume that you are not active in your industry.

3. Broken Website

Make sure that your website loads and displays properly on all major browsers. You have to make sure that your website works well in Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Opera and Safari.

4. Too Slow to Load

If your website takes a long time to load then people are more likely to leave your site without checking it. Slow loading website can also harm your SEO rankings. Select a good webhost. It is worth the investment.

5. Not User Friendly

Your website should be user-friendly in terms of navigation, accessibility and  readability. It is important that you put yourself in your customers shoe and look at the website for their needs and requirements. Spend sometime with your website developer in nailing out the exact requirements for your site. Avoid technical jargon and pay close attention to the language used in your website. Do not leave these important decisions to the web developer.


It is extremely important that you give your website a soul. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars to build a quality website. But you need to give your time and closely work with your developers to make sure that the website truly reflects the nature of your business. Your developer might be an expert in web design, but she may not necessarily be an expert in your industry.

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